the problem with models, firstly is that most of them have to be about 6 feet tall, and have a body that only 31% of the planet has. it's an unnatural and rather masculine body. there are different models for different things too. fact is maybe most "hot chicks" don't want to be models, or maybe they're just not as perfect as you once thought. example megan fox's thumb and not to mention she had breast augmentation, nose job, lip cologen, and probably botox or a brow lift. so in instances like this, the imperfections are made to disappear. and that leads you to wonder about a lot of models. the dove campaign is simply made to show the rest of the world that they shouldn't be made out to feel inaccurate from birth, and that even the girl on the magazine cover doesn't really look that way. this is probably why there are so many pictures of celebrities and etc who never look the same in photographs. the underlining problem also is your comment. now, i won't lie, i do not have a problem with attractive people at all. i do however have a problem with growing up feeling sub par and inaccurate, and while anyone could argue that it's a matter of my own self esteem and that i can work on it, i can easily say, yeah of course, and i do, and am, but how does that spell it when you consider that about 99% of the girls you know hate something about themselves?
i think it's highly substantial when you consider so many people, men alike, think so lowly of themselves, and feel constantly like they need to improve. i think there's a line, and sometimes it's definately crossed. now obviously, i don't mean we should be allowed to be slobs and overweight and eat what we want. i think that definately people just need to be healthy, and sometimes, these ideals people seek, may look healthy, but in fact aren't. anyways, this is a large discussion that would likely lead to sammiches being made and computers, and women's right lol pics.