Okay I'm sorry to un-end the discussion but I'm am still a little puzzled.
So, a double cork is a double cork because you go: cork -> uncork -> cork. NOT cork -> spot like your going to land -> continue being corked. You must be uncorked at three seperate points, take off, inbetween corks, and about to land. Soo, a DOUBLE flatspin 7 must mean you go: flatspin -> unflatspin (regular "y" axis) -> flatspin. The way you describe it (and I see it, from what I can in the video) he goes flatspin 3 -> spot landing (?) -> flatspin 3. I never hear, or see, any indication of coming off the flatspin axis inbetween threes? Does he? This is comming off the flatspin axis is what is needed for it to be a double in our sport, is it not?
And your last sentence kind of contradicts your first sentence. You say "he rotates 720 and does two flat rotations." And at first you say "there are 2 seperate axis' in a double flat spin 7." (Key word on the "seperate".) In your last sentence you say two flat spin rotations, meaning the same rotation and there for axis. I thought you needed two seperate axis to qualify it as a double? Again not trying to call you out, just being inquisitive and trying to learn. I do think I am right though, just willing to accept being wrong.