throwing stats at people is one thing, but this doesn't create an accurate picture of whats going on, whats so bad about muslim immigration? Im fairly sure that most of the moslims out there wouldn't even be identified as muslim in the street because they have light skincolor, wear western clothing and just act as the average joe ...
this whole foreigner fear is so overcalled and just makes me sick!
You might find me crazy, but i've just been on vacation to normandy and i visited many of the museums and graveyards out there, i've learned a lot about the holocaust and i've visited a concentration camp in belgium, and the things happening right now in our countries, the fear of foreigners, all the clichés, the war of terror, etc. are exactly the things that led to something as the holocaust and consequently a world at war... haven't we learned anything? does every generation has to witness a war to learn it?