Today's inspiration comes from an excerpt by a speech given by Representative Barbara Lee from the 9th district of California given before Congress on September 14th, 2001.
"Let's step back for a minute, let's just pause just for a minute, to think through the implications of our actions today so that this does not spiral out of control. Let us not become the evil that we deplore."
Today we have celebrated the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 lunar landing. It's 40th anniversary! And what have we done since?
AMERICA! we have the capacity, the man power, and the perseverance to do anything... both productive and destructive. We can and must be the change we want and NEED to see in this world. In just 10 years, by the leadership of one STRONG man, an entire nation was inspired to push for what we all deemed impossible. In 10 years from now what do we hope for? For cars to have 10 more miles per gallon???
We can and NEED to do the same thing now as we did 40 years ago.
We need to be oil independent. AND WE CAN BE!
We need nuclear proliferation. And it starts HERE!
We need to support the rights and well beings of ALL Americans. And if NEEDS to start NOW!!
My 9-11 generation (as I named us in 2003 when I gave my class our Salutatorian address) is in a situation where hope is but an ever floating feather, dancing in the wind beyond our grasp. We see the change we need to be in the world, but fail to have the support of the infrastructure to BE that change. Must we wait until our children come along so that we may provide them with the tools, NAY, the HOPE that they need to change humanity? Or are we doomed to repeat the failures of hundreds of generations before us?
We as Americans need to remember to exercise our rights of free speech and assembly before we are to weak to use them. It is our constitutional responsibility to protect the greatness of our country from all enemies, both foreign and ESPECIALLY domestic. It is NEVER unpatriotic to question the decisions of our leaders. In fact, it is our PATRIOTIC DUTY as AMERICANS to insure that they are protecting us, our soldiers, AND our CONSTITUTION by asking constantly if their actions reflect this responsibility. Or are their actions are not protecting us all, but actually causing potential harm to their citizens and the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?
AMERICA! We need to become the leaders in INNOVATION. Not the leaders in consumption.
We need to become the leaders in PEACE. Not the leaders in war.
Now what are YOU going to do to be the change that that you want to see in the world?