so i'm pretty new to the whole filming editing thing but it's caught my attention and interest more than anything really has in a while.. so while in maine i pulled out my shitcunt piece of camera (getting an hv30 in a week) and filmed a little session we had going. put it together on freshly downloaded sony vegas (figured out how to get for free on the youtubez) and started editing.. this is my first project so i just decided to play with only a couple features. (pan crop glow transitions titles) etc. i have a feeling i could have done much better with more time (only had about 2 hours) but i'm catching next flight out in the morning.. so i'm just lookin for simple critiques.. yes i know the camera sucks.. i'm workin on it.. .. o and the one angle only thing... i didn't want to change how the camera was sitting cause we were all participating and no tripod (at house in PC). so ya.. i know
lookin forward to being a bigger part in this aspect of media..
Slack Flips from blake wiehe on Vimeo.