David Copperfield performs 'tricks' and 'illusions'. And not only the messiah performed miracles anyway, so did Moses, Abraham and many others. And actually, the bible wasn't written 1000AD, some of you guys are either fucking stupid or just don't do any research before you say something.
Okay, seperation here, God, and Church. Two VERY different things. Another seperation, God, church and christianity, simple terms for the retards in here, THREE different things. God is God, an all powerful being that you cannot define or prove at all in any way shape or form. Right, done. You either believe in his existance or you chose not to, simple, end of story. What someone believes or thinks has butt-fuck all to do with you, leave them alone. Second, church is a place of fellowship and worship. It has become rather trivialised and bollocksy (in my opinion) over the last few years and the focus has shifted, I personally hate church and yet I have a very strong faith and relationship with God.
And of course you could right off any of those 'miracles' as 'chance'. If you couldn't then you would all have to believe in God and then you wouldn't have the freedom to choose and you'd all bitch and moan about that too wouldn't you. Everyone doubts God in some form or another, Moses doubted, David denied Christ a number of times, Judas deceived him, there, it's a faith, but it's not a blind faith, it's guided and lead and if you want direction it's there.
And yeah, a lot of christians piss the hell out of me as well, which is why my faith in God is a very personal relationship that I don't care too much to share with anyone, at the end of the day it comes down to you and God and that's that. End of story.
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
#Cut the Jibba Jabba Crazy Fools! Start Skiing!#
*Be greatful, everyday, for snow, mountains, gravity and skiing*
@Talent Is Important, But Image Is God!@
%Jesus Is My Homeboy%