Replying to Days like these really suck
Does anyone have those really shitty days where you wish you were just having a really realist dream, today just sucked for me.
The day started normally, woke up at 1PM, did and intense bike ride, ate breakfast, and then showered. I decided to go longboard around find some people at the river or call some people. As i was going riding down to the river i met my old dealer, (who we will call jake) then he asked if i could smoke him up. I had a little bit of weed left and said hey why not, i would just smoke it alone at night anways. there was 4 of us in the car, old dealer, driver, and kid sitting next to me. All i heard when we were finding a place to smoke was "I haven't smoked mids in so long." or "why did you buy from NAME". The reason why i don't deal with him is that he always used me and gave me very little weed. So we smoked it and i said I get A's (claiming first smoke) and he just turned to me and said, "Chill Bro you will get to smoke too" I was like what ever. Untill i realised that i would get last pass and they bassically smoked it all.
We went back into town and to the river and i saw a couple friends and jake took off. I realised that i left my wallet in the car. I called him to tell him i need my wallet. I need my wallet, it had my money that i was going to use for ireland which i leave for in a week. Jake tells me that there is no wallet in the car, I know this is bullshit because, i came from the car and walked 5 feet where to sit with my friend who was working at the ice cream stand (don't judge, its a cool job actually). I am pissed because he is an asshole and this has happened before with other people and he just denies it no matter what.
My brother shows up and his friend show up and there is a group of like 10 of us waiting for my friend to get off of work. He gets off and we go to the field right by the ice cream stand where we all chill for like a half hour, then we start to talk about my friend who tried fentaynal (retarded thing on his end) and since i hang with him a lot my brother is conviced that i tried it too. He is now pissed at me and i try to tell him that i am not and idiot, i don't drink, smoke tobacco, or have tried any other illegal substance besides weed. He tells me if he ever hears anything about me and an opiate he is going to kick my ass and tell my mom everything about me, i am not worried i have not intenions to do anything than weed.
I get home and had to lie to my mom about how i lost my wallet now she is really pissed because that was all my spending money for ireland, (i am really pissed too and my mom would be even more pissed if i told her i was in a teenager's car and it got stolen. i also don't like to lie it makes me feel bad.)
I went out to longboard down to the river just to get out of the house and think and i meet some girls i was with earlier and that was one good break from chaos. I then ride home have dinner with my mom and we were talking about my dad's girlfriend (parrents are divorced but it is mutual, i am really lucky about that.) and whether they would get married or not.
My mom then said "Well i don't think your dad would like to have a third wife."
I said "a Third wife?"
As it turns out my dad had been married before him and my mom got married. He married a women from the philipeans when he was stationed in okanowa, when he was in the marines. It turns out my dad would fly to the philipeans when ever he could with 50 dollars and he lived like a king for a week. I am pissed that no one has told me this in the past 15 years of my being on planet.
I am now stuck with no weed, no money, a brother who thinks i do Opiates, a pissed mom, and learning the fact that no one told me my dad had and wife before my mom.
Sparknotes: Dealer smoked all my weed, then stole my wallet which had all my money for ireland in it, my brother is convinced i did fentaynal because a close friend of mine did it once, my mom is pissed about the wallet, and it turns out my mom right now is my dads second ex-wife.
I know last two paragraphs are the same.
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