As many of you know, I recently got a new dog. He is an American Staffordshire Terrier and is very closely related to an American Pit Bull Terrier. My neighbor had the nerve to yell to me yesterday, "If I see your fucking dog near my house or near a child, I will kill it myself or see that it is put down." I literally wanted to shoot this man.
Here comes my rant:
I have grown up with dogs since I was born, pretty much every breed in the book. Now at 19, I rescue dogs and either find homes for them or take them in myself. I currently have a Black Lab, Yorkie-Poo, a Boxador (Lab-Boxer), a Doberman-Hound mix, and my AmStaff. They get along fine, love kids, and I have never had a problem with them and my horses. Why is it that America cannot accept them?
People have such a fear of Pit Bulls, Dobermans, Rottweilers and other aggressive breeds. What they don't realize is that any dog can be aggressive, even a tiny poodle. My Yorkie-Poo could destroy someone and she is 5 pounds. A friend of mine had a beautiful Pit Bull puppy who was poisoned at 5 months because someone simply did not like the breed. What is this world coming to?!
Effing Michael Vick is going to be the spokesman for the National Humane Society...WTF! That man should be soaked in meat and placed into a room filled with the dogs he trained to kill. I would pay to see him destroyed. There are currently 200-300 Pit Bulls being rescued from the Atlanta area out of dog fighting kennels. No one wants to take them in because of the stigma they carry, when Pit Bulls can be the most gentle, loving dogs. But instead they are being euthanized before they even have a chance to be rehabbed.