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If you suck, why are you on my table?
Posts: 3
Karma: 10
This weekend, I was skiing at my local park and I came to my favorite 20 foot table, as I look down in front of me a dude is skiing towards the table is looking kinda shady. He's about 40 feet in front of me. i pay no mind to this, as the guy looks good enought to make it over and get out of the way. the guy all of a sudden, cuts speed with a wedge and wrecks his shit on the flats right after the lip. he just lies there making no effort to move at all. he just sits there and stares at me approaching the lip. I figure he sees me and sees I'm not slowing down so at least he won't do anything stupid like stand up. in the position he was in right then I would have easily cleared him by a good 3 feet. so I figure just act like hes not there, throw a 3 over top of him and he'll think it's the coolest thing ever. Of course, this not what happens. the jackass stands up right as I leave the lip. the edge on the back of my right ski was 3 inches from slitting his throat and I wish it had. So here is my question. why do people who completely suck and have no intention of airing of a jump have to wreck right on top of it and not move for forever or until the worst possible time? Why is it so hard to learn to jump off small kickers before you hit 20 ft tables and the like? If these people all died or at least stayed out of the park, I would approve. Is this phenomenon of the asshole wrecked on the jump just my pet peeve or does anyone else absolutely hate this too?
break it down...hard
Posts: 3688
Karma: 11
thats whats always happens at boyne, all the lips are ruined from little kids and there wholre fricking family going over the lip, and not having enough speed to cary them, it sucks, they should find a way to make some sort of a restriction for going into the park.
m1garand deserves to die...Eric Pollard is god...
Farp is gods gift to man.
I'm so big
you'd have to jump and swing up
just to hit me in the knees....
Posts: 1752
Karma: 10
Yeah people do suck... but what the fuck were you expecting? He already did something retarted, so of course he is going to duplicate it, and standup!
You lewd, crude, rude, bag of pre-chewed food, Dude.
...it's my duty
haha.. duty
haha.. diareha
hey lois... diareha
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Karma: 223
Because they see the lip and think 'ooo! a little jump to throw myself off of. THIS WILL BE HAPPY AND GAY!!!'. I doubt he purposely wanted to crash. A lot of people have no idea what how to use a table top.
Posts: 2468
Karma: 26
yea people do that al lthe time....they go all slow and shit then roll over the lip, and then just sit there....they go off of the jump so they can go back to the lodge and tell they're friends that they dd the huge jump....i hate it...
the snozberries taste like snozberries
member number 5158
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ive jumped over kids many a time
[]D [] []V[] []D
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my mountain actually put in a lil park for all the rugrats and beginerrs, it works prety well, they put in a 5 foot table, a small spine, and some rollers....all the smart lil kids go there, and they are pumped as hell wen they get back into the line....it works pretty good, but some ppl still go into the big park and gay it up...
the snozberries taste like snozberries
member number 5158
Posts: 9984
Karma: 19
why not carve across so you wont hit him?
Fuck You
Posts: 5634
Karma: 311
why didnt you uh, not hit it. if he cuts you off, stop, step up a few feet, and wait for him to move, yeah its a pain, but you have to deal with it, and bitching does nothing
The Official-royal nose-picking, wannabea highschool dropout, Gary Coleman-loving, Arnold-hating, college chick-dating, Montana boonies guy
Member of the 'lets help Sam loose some weight so he can possibly get a girl' Club.
Only Westcoaster in the Eastcoast Cult
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maybe they are just learning, and are afraid to go really fast if they arent totally comfortable... but still want to get comfortable so that they can progress. I mean, i obviously understand why you would be mad if the kid didnt even attempt to get out of the way, but dont be so hard on them.
I would know because i am one of those people who are just learning to seriously jump. Now, if i fall i dont just lay there like a moron, but still. And with all this said, i just want to make it clear that i am NOT talking about those little little kids who pizza through the whole jump and go to the bottom to hit something, and get like 2 inches of air... those kids dont belong.
->'the CD goes right here. the speakers... oh well one of 'em's broken, but THIS speaker is good, and these wires, they are really good!'
Posts: 3949
Karma: 16
20 feet is pretty damn small
Posts: 5229
Karma: 36
Dude, I hate people doing that too....but....if he was riding in front of you, you should have just stopped, let him hit it, and drop.
better to burn out...
...then fade away
Posts: 1455
Karma: 10
Yea it would have been a wiser decision to just wait a few seconds, but its still his fault for standing up and all. Did he yell at you at all? I'd be pissed if someone almost cut my throat.
You Dropped Your Pocket!
Mont Tremblant '04
Posts: 31125
Karma: 336
you SHOULD have thrown an overflip and handplanted on his head...hey would have thought that was cool 2
A view on the downfall of the US by 221:
'godzilla man. he's gonna show up and shit will hit the fan.'
ellermann -> i hope you realize you just threw yourselves a birthday party online. just think about that for a little while
Ryan V.G
~~Phunkin Phatt Phreerider~~
Posts: 1330
Karma: 9
u should of stopped and upstepped
I have Armada AR5's and they are glorious
Posts: 389
Karma: 103
if the guy was 40 ft in front of u, he had the right of way, no matter how big of a fuck he was. if he had made it over, and fell on the landing, and u pounded him, would that have been his fault, too? i agree that dumbass ppl shouldnt be in the park, but theres little u can do about it. u thinking that u own everything and ppl should know that and get out of your way makes me like u just about as much as the douches that fuck up the lips and carve off the side of rail kickers. have some etiquete. if u wait till the jump is clear, u wont have those problems.
Posts: 389
Karma: 103
if the guy was 40 ft in front of u, he had the right of way, no matter how big of a fuck he was. if he had made it over, and fell on the landing, and u pounded him, would that have been his fault, too? i agree that dumbass ppl shouldnt be in the park, but theres little u can do about it. u thinking that u own everything and ppl should know that and get out of your way makes me like u just about as much as the douches that fuck up the lips and carve off the side of rail kickers. have some etiquete. if u wait till the jump is clear, u wont have those problems.
Posts: 840
Karma: 10
^ good message... this thread goes to show that its a bad idea to train behind someone you dont know
O yes, you can ski backcountry is syracuse ny
'me and my girlfriend were going at it the other night and she was on top and we were bonin hard, and my dick slipped out between thrusts and went up her ass. she screamed and cried for 45 minutes, it sucked.' -skiflake
Posts: 1
Karma: 10
FRida s right, he had the right of way, but I ve done the same thing b/c i was frustrated w/ people poaching my lines--
People at my mt do the same thing, wearing jeans, a camo jacket, rental boots, sli, fo 2 mph off a lip, pencil up, hands up in tjhe air, land backseat-- there are so man y of them
The backs are curved up for show only, right?-- weekend warrior
Jesus died for our sins, lets get our money's worth
lifes a garden, dig it
Snowbird rocks
Posts: 356
Karma: 281
20 feet is fucking tiney. thats the kind of table that fucker should be hitting. you need to step it up and give people who suck there mini park back.
ya dank
i miss skiing
Posts: 1508
Karma: 16
Uh I never hit a table until its clear. People who jump over people who bail seem like asses
Posts: 507
Karma: 10
yea 20 isnt big...thsoe are the jumps for the sucky ppl...so maybe u should recomsider if ur in teh catigory of that guy
Posts: 0
Karma: 10
Yeah.. this is like fucking shit your dad tells you on the way up skiing when you've got the damn edgie-wedgie on... people in front of you have the right of way... it's sucks.. but if you just try and be cool and ski over him .. people get hurt, I mean if you had really hurt him... and his family takes you to court for manslaughter... then it seems kinda pointless.. just miss it and say... fuck off bro, don't hit something you can't clear...
Posts: 3193
Karma: 9
haha, at Cannon Mtn the park has always been a bit small, but recently they've been stepping it up a lot, and they just put in a 40 or so foot step down, and the kicker is about six feet tall, with a sheer drop off the back. In the last, the backs of the jumps were always sloped, so this joey goes and wedges off the lip, tumbles off, and has to be carted off the mountain in a meat wagon. serves the dousche bag right!
'I can throw a twister that could make Tanner bust a nut!'
---------The Cult of the Neon One Piece Jumpsuit---------
Posts: 3193
Karma: 9
haha, at Cannon Mtn the park has always been a bit small, but recently they've been stepping it up a lot, and they just put in a 40 or so foot step down, and the kicker is about six feet tall, with a sheer drop off the back. In the last, the backs of the jumps were always sloped, so this joey goes and wedges off the lip, tumbles off, and has to be carted off the mountain in a meat wagon. serves the douche bag right!
'I can throw a twister that could make Tanner bust a nut!'
---------The Cult of the Neon One Piece Jumpsuit---------
Posts: 7854
Karma: 89
you have to watch out in the park because the people who suck are the people who cut you off
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
I agree with all the people who said you shouldnt even had hit the jump after he beefed, if you had slit his throat you would have been to blame because he had the right of way, so how would that make you feel eh?
its probably the worst idea ive ever heard of..no joke..if u like broken bones and like..fucking
Death then hell..have fun -Naturalbornskier
People Who Post retarded crap
Posts: 355
Karma: 10
Jesus! YOU should never have hit that jump. Take a refresher in park etiquette, you obviously need it. Very poor judgement on your part.
Sorry that the guy inconvenienced you and your precious little hit. Did you even consider that he may have had the wind knocked out of him, thus couldn't really move anyway?
I hoped you learned a little something from this stunt and will have the foresight to avoid similar incidents in the future... you got off lucky.
Posts: 5229
Karma: 36
Yah it's kinda like if you dropped in right behind someone in the pipe, then bitched at him cause he fell in front of you.
better to burn out...
...then fade away
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
at my park, most crappy ppl dont even make it up to the tops of the lips. its funny shit.
Posts: 999
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Posts: 3054
Karma: 24
at my hill the other night we were sessioning this hip, and we had to pump over a huge roller to get the speed, one time there were people lined up all the way across, so i had to find a gap, i saw a snowboarder sitting down, with a skier right next to him, about toudching his board, so i just keep goin and pop right over the snowboarders right shoulder, it was sweet, and i have a feeling that kid shit his pants
'hey can i have a butload of cash?... NO'
Johnny d in the cribs segment of 1242
Posts: 5229
Karma: 36
Thats pretty funny.
better to burn out...
...then fade away
Posts: 1099
Karma: 10
i feel for ya man, ya probably shouldn't of gone off the lip anyways, just bitched him out or sumthing. It seems like snowboarders do that a lot more than skiers. I dont wanna be hatin snowboarding, cus its pretty tite, but there are a shit load of crap boarders who clog up the parks and sit on their asses on top of jumps. Skiers, for the most part stay out of the park if they suck.
Posts: 3054
Karma: 24
thats because snowboarding is so main stream that theres a super high level of posers, unfortunately in a few years skiing could definitely en up like that, unfortunately
'hey can i have a butload of cash?... NO'
Johnny d in the cribs segment of 1242
Posts: 168
Karma: 10
you're dumb.
...Regular Pitbull with wings...
Posts: 4255
Karma: 11
shit, 20 feet is what the guy should have been on, it only pisses me off when im about to hit the 45 footer, and the people ski right by the 15 footer, and land 10 foot into the table. kinda angrys me
if people dont like what ive created, fuck em, because somebody else does-TANNER
can you see what's down there? me either.-seth peering down a cliff before he drops it
ns army, whatever is right below the general
I go either way-elasmoskichick
Posts: 1386
Karma: 10
i agree that the dumbass people who cant ski or snowboard go through the park and are complete gapers and hurt themselves shouldnt be in there, so our mountain made a 'terrain garden' where they can all go...its got like 3 or 4 10' jumps, a 10' flat baby rail, a mini spine, and some smaller hits too....thats one way to start solving problems
Don't hate the player. Hate the game!
Posts: 3544
Karma: 1,302
i hate the big faimly groups that ski through the park and they stop on each jump and look down it and look around for a while then they start talking, i hate that they waste so much time
some christian kid today: 'Get drunk off jesus'
Posts: 435
Karma: 10
yeah, tyrol basin has been like that for some reason this year, I wanna like, demand park passes. no one has park passes, and i've also had three or so incidnets omf me falling, and a snowboarder not waiting and landing on my skis and almost on me. really people, lets get some fences up or something to keep them on the correct hills, even our sign that says, WARNING THIS SLOPE HAS MANY OBASTACLES IN THE TERRAIN PARK, so i see moms with their kids on the leashes through there all the time. they shouldn't be at the hill if thats whats gonna happen.
PROHIBITED to be released spring of 2004
we are about pure riding enjoyment!
Posts: 1082
Karma: 20
I hate campers. I never see them go, they just sit. But, on the plus side, they sometimes make a good audience when you pull off some hot shit.
mmmmmm snow goood
Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145
Depends what you call campers, I sit around for ten minutes at a time once in a while just to rest. Just not anywhere near the jumps. Only at the very top of the park.
J.D.'s Hall of Fame for Stupid Posts:
''mad trix is a gay name. go with the k2's.'' -Linepunk
''Dude, Americans or Canadians didn't invent english, the British dudes did.'' -Chauncy
Posts: 6
Karma: 10
Are my park they kinda solved that prob by making rentals not allowed in the park or pipe so most of the noobs cant go in and if you do yoour pass is taken whahahahahaha (evil laugh)
Posts: 18901
Karma: 75
i just ask them to move and then when the 10 year old bitchass says 'fuck you' and flips me off I just wait until he moves.
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