Replying to My Spleen Injury on 4/20* Story
dont judge: I wrote this a few months ago right out of the hospital. For some reason i didn't post it a while ago, but i feel like i would rather have someone read it then no one, so here you are NS!
My story in the hospital 4/19 - 4/22.
Woke up in the bed on 4/20 National GANJA Smoking Day
Lookin out the window (Buffalo city) i see the haze of the city and the clarity of a dream.
"Get up n do it again son!" -Frank Knab. I was frightened but tried to keep as best composure as i could because it would hurt to scream, cry, or laugh. Went to the Springvile hospital on 4/19 and took an ambulance to Childrens Hospital in Buffalo on a board & neck brace. I spent a long night listening to babys cry and others in agony, terrible sounds. I couldn't see anything but the ceiling, and anyone who leaned over who mostly happened to be my Padre (He had the same accident doing a frontflip at KB, i was doing a back flip at HV) the difference was that i stomped mine and lacerated my spleen, my Pops fell hard and didn't get attention immediately and resulted in a rupture; he later got his removed. thankfully the situation wasnt deja vo, i was afraid of that. After 6 hours of having some scary breath strokes and cramping's the doctor took my neck brace off. Finally felt assured of my life and that everything was looking O.K. Spent my 4/20 in the hospital... lovely eh? Trust me, i got passed several cyber-blunts which was really lame because i like J's, n i like em' real not through a phone, wheres the fiyah over a cell phone? idk, and who would take time out of a nature walk on 4/20 to send me a cyber blunt? idk, thanks for the generosity i guess.... anyways, i looked out the hospital window and drew some pretty dope pictures with some crazy ideas. Looking out over the city of buffalo while being locked to a hospital bed made me think of how fortunate i am for life, and how much pride i have for what i do. I got injured doing something i had a passion for which is skiing. Pretty stoked for the future. Back to the experience, i met a nurse who happened to be super cool and was interested in raising awareness to a certain group of kids in Africa and helping them. Hiedi was young and very down to earth and had a lot of knowledge from travels. She told me about herself. "I didnt exactly know what i wanted to do with my life, but i knew who i wanted to be". To me, she was a good person. I thought that was cool, i believe that all things happen for a reason, and maybe we were supposed to meet? She left and i didnt see her for 2 days, wasnt sure if i would ever see her again but she decided to re-visit me. We tossed some ideas back and forth about venturing and supporting orphanages in Kenya and spreading the good word through ethnodramatoligy and ethnomusitoligy (something like that). This word is new to me and the world i believe. She defined it as being the study of researching the original forming of new cultures and ways of getting a message across through dancing and music. Sounded pretty dope, i was intrigued. Anyway we sparked alot of ideas. On 4/22 i walked again, and laughed really hard because my legs felt like rubber bands and i was so jolly! hahaha! i tried not to laugh to hard because it hurt. I walked around a bit and she took me to the game room of course. I sat down and looked around and saw a couple kids playing some x-box. I hit that up for sho, I played some car racing game for a minute. Sitting next to me was a lil kid (12) who was just playing some basketball game and i wondered why he was in the Hospital, so i asked him. He said is Brother (7 yrs. old) had been stabbed and he had surgery... i had already heard the story from a doctor because it happened to be the same night i had my accident so i was aware of what he was about to tell me. His little Brother had been stabbed by his Dad, and his mom defended him and got her hand cut. I didn't know what to say... i was thinking about saying "people are ruthless and evil sometimes, you never know what there out to get, and at times it could be to put havoc on someone else's life based on the pain of there own" I didn't put it together quick enough because it was his Father i would of been talking about so i just dropped something he may or may not of remembered... "Stand firm lil man, god bless you". I had a few visitors as well, stoked to see some of the homies roll in along with my sweet girl and my family. I wasn't looking for pity, just some loving and grace despite my condition. Its all good now, im chillin at my casa with the fam and got some time to readjust and re-heal my spleen. Thanks for all those whom took concern, i felt good about where i live and some of the people around me.. some were pretty worried to see me in that state. Im all good, and ima be back at it in a lil bit. I got some FIYA footage laying in front of me, really stoked to use it.
Thanks for taking the time to read my down to up experience, i don't usually blog but i thought i would like to for you to enjoy. Hope you did! appreciate life!! cause for each individual there's a reason for it.
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