Dear Mrs. Colls.
I do infact smoke Marijuana. I enjoy the
substance as it is not uncommon among youth. 95% of the youth in my
grade have consumed cannibus. There is stores all over Vancouver
dedicated to the love and legalization of Marijuana. In 4 States in the
US it is legal and used for medical purposes. My mother and other
friends are fully aware of my " Addiction ". Which brings me to my next
point. THERE ARE NO addictive products in Pot. It has the potential to
be mentaly addictive dependent on the person, but is is
100% not physically addictive.
The fact that is a plant makes it
safe. If you are christian re read the bible please. It makes
references to " The sacred herb". That reference is made to marijuana.
There are religions devoted to it. It is 100% legal in Amsterdam. Would
the governments really legalize a killer addictive drug? No, Not at
all. It is actually on its way to becoming legal in BC, and Canada.
Google "BCMP".
Not only does it help me sleep at night, it
controls my ADHD and keeps me calm. Never have i touched another drug,
and never do i plan to. Alcohol rarely touches my system eather. I
consume Cannibus around 5 times a week. And i have never been
healthier! i am not ashamed or scared of people knowing that i smoke
marijuana, as it has made me a better person.
Before Marijauna
hit my life i was uptight and ignorant. Since its enterence i have
discoverd that the world has the power to be a peaceful place, all
people need to do is relax. Which people will do on there own time. Im
not here to encourage the use, but rather inform people of its
harmless'ness. If you do a little bit of research you will realize that
over 50% of people in BC smoke the herb.And that NONE have died.
is not a drug, but infact a herb. Kids like myself with ADD and ADHD
dont need to be rotted with riddilen and other harmful chemicals. All
they need to do is smoke some weed. And they will be chillaxed. So Mrs.
Coll's. I strongly suggest you do some research and stop labelling
Cannibus as a harmfull, addictive and terrible drug. If you give me
your email i am more then happy to send you movies and articles online
that prove its harmless'ness. Have a nice night.