I've been working 16 months at this place. Used to work 4 days a week (saturdays always) hitting 32 hours a week. Never had a raise yet, although in Michigan it seems like employers are taking advantage of the high unemployment rate and not giving anyone raises because....what are you going to do? Find another job?
Times are changing, I ask to get my shift switched or some more time off last winter to keep up with school. Well my boss decided to cut a day instead of re-work the schedule so I could get 32 hours still. So I was stuck with 24hr weeks till the end of school.
Fast Forward...out of college, not taking summer classes because I want to make myself as available as I can be for more hours. First month I am getting 35-40 hour weeks, not bad, but I still have to work Saturdays to hit this number or I am getting like 28-30.
Now my shifts are 4pm till 10pm four days a week, and an 8 hour shift, and I have to work Saturdays still.
Getting to the point, my boss has a relative who is my age who works with us also. Hes out of college this week now, and as my shift has been cut back to working 5 days a week including saturdays and only managing 32 hours a week. His shift is at 35 hours a week, working 1st shift, and not working saturdays.
Oh yeah so I ask for this Saturday (tomorrow off) and say can you just schedule me Mon-Friday. I get the schedule and I see I have 24 hours this week....four 6 hour shifts. I tell him I can't afford to take Saturday off if all I am going to get is 24 hours. And this has happened before, you will want a day off...but you still end up getting your regular days off...so it becomes a double whammy. It's like oh I can afford to do that....I'll just work Wednesday.......not the case for me it seems.
Long story short. I've been stuck working 16 months 2nd shift, working almost every saturday, no raise. I think my boss is playing favorites and giving his relative the better shifts. I've been trying to get on days for so long.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, both myself and the relative live 45 minutes away from work. So I spent about I dunno 8 hours a week in the car driving to and from work $ 2.50 a gallon.
I've been bugging him and he says hes working with the schedule and what have you, but this is the 2nd week where things are getting a bit unfair.
I am thinking of just pulling my boss aside and asking him whats going on? why can't I work any of these morning shifts, why do i have to work saturdays all the time if I want 30 hours+
How would you guys do this though? How would you approach the situation?