Don't buy it! Open whatever you're planning on watching in several different window, let them all load, then watch them in work offline mode.
Also you can reset your IP by doing this:
Unplug your modem from its power supply. The
mailing address you have leased from your carrier will expire, as it
will see that you are no longer online, and you therefore do not need
an IP Address. Your IP Address currently being used will return to the
pool of IPs available to use to your IP.
Clear your cookies. This takes care of the client side monitoring being done on your machine.
60 Seconds, then plug your modem back in. During the reinitialization
of your modem, it will query your IP carrier for another IP Address
from the pool of available ones, giving you a new IP Address.
Reconnect to Megavideo by
your browser and accessing the material again. Your cookies will be
cleared, and Megavideo will have no record of your new IP Address on
their server log. Enjoy another hour of uninterrupted content.