It has recently come to my attention that more and more threads are being deleted without much reasoning behind them. I am constantly clicking on broken links in mythreads for threads that contain helpful information and i am interested in. It makes no sense to me for a mod to delete an entire thread based on one or two unwanted posts, just get rid of the nonsense not the whole thing. For example, there are have been an abundance of DMT threads in the past week, while some more helpful than others, there was no reason to delete one without deleting them all (if any) AND to leave up obvious flags against NS policy such as "Cake farts" and other nonsense. So i'm here to ask, what's the deal lately mods? Power trip? Upping the strict rules and regulations? I mean i don't want to be reading through garbage and 4chan ripoffs, but some things just should be left alone and dealt with when necessary.