Theres a guy at my school in grade 11, hes only 17, and he got busted for stealing a $15 000 M4 assault rifle out of the back of an unmarked police car. since he already has a criminal record, he got tried for 2-10 years, and he is going to jail, i just donno how long for.
He and a friend were breaking into cars one night, and they broke into the back of the cruiser, grabbed a duffle bag and ran. he got home and found out it was an M4, so he tried to hide it in the garbage, hoping it would get taken out with the trash. idiot.
someone who knew about this turned him in, and the cops found the gun and arrested him. his parents paid a temporary bail type thing to keep him out of prison for 6 months, but even just that cost them $30 000.
it was all in the news and stuff, and i kinda even knew the guy because he went to my public school before highschool. so its just fucked that this actually happened...
sparknotes: guy at my school stole an assault rifle and got 2-10 years in prison, although hes only 17.