over the past year of highschool, chemisty has been a pain the the ass. iv made by trying to study, but also getting some help by fellow classmates during some quizzes and tests. the teacher noticed once in the beginnning of the year when i would walk back from asking her a question, so there was a long dry period through winter where i was pretty honest with the whole testing enviornment bullshit. recently, looking toward summer and all, iv been just wanting to get in the 90s so my mom will front me some cash for my hmc150 until i can pay her back. so last test, we had a substitute, and i took that as gods way of saying, heres a good grade. but today we got our tests back and me and my friend who is a A+ student, and happens to sit next to me, get our tests back with "See me" written on the bottom with no grades. we see her and she gives the whole acedmic honesty speech, and tells us to figure it out. she hasnt told us that the grades are 0, and acutally did write the grade in with pencil. im not sure what to do... come clean (i cannot afford a 0), wait it out, or go see her again.
any suggestions?