If any pedestrian doesn't use their own common sense, it doesn't matter who's fault it is. You're done. I acknowledge that Steeger was the victim here....but he may only have been the victim of a run....not the hit. I don't know that for a fact, I'm just basing it on that comment made earlier about him dodging through traffic. I can see a drunk 19 yr-old kid doing that. Not saying it happened, but it's plausible.
From the the driver's perspective, if you're sober, I can't imagine why the hell you'd leave the scene....but I don't know what the heck would go through my head if I'd just taken a life....whether it was my fault or not. So I can't say that I can unequivocally put myself in that dude's shoes.
Dude, if anyone knows of any facts in this case (even 2nd hand), I think you should take them to the cops. No skin off your chin, and it could really make an impact on an entire family. Yes, one family's already suffered, but maybe another doesn't need too.
Just sayin....