Best Rail
Best Wall
Best Ledge
Best Environmental Object
So we are having some site issues, just gonna post the winners here. Please PM us if you where picked as a winner so we can sort out getting you your t.
Won't be posting the images directly, just links to save space of the post.
Best Set Up (Photo):
Soup, This feature is so simple, yet so complex, it will provide for countless hours of gameplay and countless numbers of combos etc.
Best Rail (Photo):
DanArmbuster, The s-rail is easily one of the nicest rails we have ever seen, and not only is it feasible to hit, but it would make a wonderful addition to the game world.
Best Environment/Scene (Photo):
Jacuse, many of the images you posted are ones we have already used, in fact our bridge scene on the site was based off one of them. Either way you found some incredible scenes and we think you should get a t for posting them. Check the first page to see his posts.
Best Scene (Sketch Up/Other):
We have two here.
Andrew Cinch, your marble ledge was simple, but you set it up with surroundings quite nicely. We get the feel for it being this hidden jib on some back alley that was maybe part of an architectural project long forgotten.
Saucy, Cus god daum what we would all give to session your scene.
That's it guys and gals (although didn't see a single female post in this entire thread). We hope you enjoyed the contest, we are def stoked how excited everyone is about all of this.
The winners need to please contact us about coordinating your shirts. And thanks to everyone who entered and put in their time designing scenes. If you didn't win, it doesn't mean your scene/photo wasn't sick.
-JLUS Staff