I'm taking my first two college classes this summer and they start tomorrow. I finally figured out which textbooks I need for each class... yeah I know, I am a major procrastinator. I need three in total for the two classes. My problem is I am not sure where to buy the books. I do not have an older brother/sister to ask so I have no clue how to do this. All I know right now is don't buy from the bookstore, so I've done some browsing online and Half.com looks like a pretty decent site. Also, many sites have different conditions of books... does it matter what kind of condition the book is in? I also see on some sites the "international" edition. Is the international edition something I should avoid?
So if you guys/girls could please please suggest some sites to buy from, explain the international edition, and if you would avoid books in poor condition.
Also... listed below are the books I need and if anyone would like to sell me them that would be even better!
Naked Olympics, Perrottet Random Binding Paper Copyright 04 ISBN 0-8129-6991-X
World History To 1500, Duiker Wad Binding Paper Copyright 07 Edition 5 ISBN 0-495-05060-1
Understanding Psychology Pkg, Feldman Mcg Binding Kit/Edition 8 ISBN 0-07-815229-1
I did searchbar textbook/s and there were two older threads about people were complaining how much they paid for their books.