A long running beloved plot derived animateds show is being canceled to make room for more mindless fart jokes.
FOX has announced it will not be ordering any more new "King Of The HIll" episodes"
I know many of you on this site probobly hate this show because it doesn't hold your 30 second attention spans, so for you. please leave.
This show has been one of my favorites for a very very long time, my forum icon used to be Hank on his mower back in the day. I've watched each episode so many times i can nearly repeat it back to you with the show on mute. I know the last few seasons have shown change in the show, and i'll agree it isn't what it used to be, but why make room for more shows from the family guy creator? and better yet, why keep the Simpsons? The Simpsons has been God Awful for at elast the last 7 seasons, I can't even watch that garbage any more it disgusts me so.
I'll miss loungeing on the couch viewing cleverly written, down to earth plots ,that in many ways I could relate to.
I guess the world is just becoming increaseingly moronic and to engulfed in pop culture nonsense and others bull-shit to have room for "KING OF THE HILL"
I'll continue to enjoy the re-runs even more knowing they are now classics.