how many of yall r broke as shit? i am 20..i have no job..and my parents r worried about theirs. i don't go to school because i simply lack motivation but i probably should because times like these scare me. if educated people can't find work how do they expect us to get by? im sure alot of u have rich parents who for now can support u but what does the future hold? sucks that money is bullshit and u pretty much aren't gonna have a good time w/out it. what do yall think?
oh and on a sorta related topic because i broke my ankle skiing and had no health insurance i had to move out of my house w/ my grandparents just to qualify for free healthcare because my parents make too much money. I will lose this coverage when i turn 21 in a couple weeks and there is nothing out there to cover me anymore which means if i get injured skiing again im fucked. i wont ever stop but it really sucks to think about. i wish we had healthcare like canada.