I'm sorry but its things like this that make the USA so damn hilarious.
September 12th 2001 not a single american would be anti torture, sorry but your country is not run on logic its run on pure emotion, like a small little girl.
torture can work, history suggests so, if it didnt. it wouldnt continue to be used... its just that simple. the usa has become a soft touchy western culture that just does not translate internationally.
what obama is doing is pantamount to endagering the troops, he is enraging the rest of the world by admitting to things that nobody knew about, what is he fucking stupid?
As a canadian i would LOVE if obama would stop running for re-election, stop governing based on poll numbers and have some beliefs.
hate bush as much as you want but you know where he stood, and he would stand there with a 2% approval or a 90% approval. Mr. obama does not.