Just tell me if you agree. I think big companies like pbp and L1 aughta sit down and just freakin decide what riders will be in what movie. Cuz basically you would either buy RFA or Forward last year because they were so similar. And i thought rfa was awful just cuz i saw forward first. Every company should have designated riders. Then give other ones that are in another company's movie just some credit shots and stuff. Not whole seggys. They will probably make more money too cuz kid will wanna see say, simon in L1 but they wanna see Abma in pbp. So they'll buy both. i dunno, it just seems like snowboarding has it together w/ what riders ride for what company. i think ski movies should be the same in that particular area. So is it just me or is anyone else annoyed with this?
Macaroni and Steeze
-Coming Summer 04