Okey so the problem is the following. Currently I owe Sir Francis Bacon with Jester binding mounted -1 from core. Next year however I would like to mount some Duke biding, since I want to use the skis for some touring hiking. Here comes my question, if Duke is the best option. I nevered used this kind of biding for huh... "performence" skiing and I wonder about thier enurance and hardiness. Are they good hard enought for 10-15 meters drops? And what about switch riding? I have also another question where to mount them ? For powder and big mountain riding -1 is perfect, however i have to admitt that I miss something while spining and switch landing. Should I mount them in a different possition, but still keeping very good performance durign forward riding?
There is also option whith Alpine trekker.
Frankly I dont know how much I will hike with these skis, but I suppose quite often. Alpine with normal biding could be quite heavy option, but on the other hand I can use it also with my other typical powder skis. Somone has ever used this Alpine trekker? IS it really so heavy?
which option would be better then?