Replying to Stupidity
I help out coaching for my brothers baseball team the kids are 13-15 and I just found out at practice today that are starting pitcher and third baseman was arrested for possession of marijuana in school. I knew he smoked and told him not to get caught with it but sumone ratted on him that he had it in school and he got found out. Even if he was able to come back and play for us the idiot punched a locker so hard that he broke a growth plate in his hand.
Well i geuss that I better find a new startin pitcher soon or im screwed~I feel sory for the kid cause hes a good kid but not really cause i told him not too but hes just so damn stupid so i guess its good that he got caught now rather than latter on in life if he had harder or more drugs and by the way the kid is just 14 in 8th grade so that kinda sux for when he goes to HS cause he'll have ta be extra cafeful
Trying is the First Step to Failure.~Homer~
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