I just saw a guy basically rape/choke a chick, almost to death (she was freaking hot too)
and then in the next scene two randoms people were eating pizza at work, and all of a sudden decide to get it on, right on top of the pizza. I thought it was literally about to turn into a porno.
and then, the next scene... guy brings some chick to a beach in his mercedes. she's in a blindfold, and he pulls her out and holds her at gunpoint, and forces her out onto to a pier in broad day... removes the blindfold... kisses her passionately, then pushes her into the water and walks away like it aint no thing.
mi espanol es no muy bien, so I didnt really catch much of what they were saying... but from the most part, everyones mad at each other over nothing lol.
eitiher way... i'm super bored, and I dont know why spanish language "novelas" are on at 930pm, but for some reason, I cannot stop watching.