alrighty i need some help with everything
ok sooo today i was slowly driving out of the parking lot at my highschool going by a group of kids and my friends, most of the time, jumped on the side of the front of my car and pushed off...he quickly looked down with a kinda look of fright on his face and wiped the spot he had just jumped off of...i rolled down my window and said what the fuck man...and he quickly said dude nothing happened its fine...i was like it better be man and then i drove away because i thought it was fine...i get to my friends house and i get out to check the damage if there is i get out and go up front...right away im like what the fuck!! there's about a grapefruit/melon sized dent in the side of my car right over the wheel well and below the edge of the hood where it kinda curves...fuck meee!!! so i try and find a way to pop it out...back of the wheel well is covered in a black blocker so i cant reach it there...under the hood is also covered by my windsheild fluid tank...soooo ive determined that i cant fix it myself and it needs to get professionally popped back in...
So i text the DB who did it and im like dood you fuckin dented my car...he denies it and says it was already it wasnt man, ive never seen that before and when i walked by that part to get in the car it wasnt there...him:another DB said that it was dented before and DB1 didnt do what the hell man we'll see what i costs to repair and then we'll fuckin talk...him: I didnt even kick it right there so im pretty sure DB2 is right....FUCKIN Ass Holes
So i have a witness in my car who saw the whole thing...neither of us got out to check right away though...soooo what should i do, i told my pops and im waiting for him to get home to figure out the extent of the damage...i dont wanna start beef but if this nukka doesnt pay for the damages ill have my dad talk to his parents and try nd get it outa them...if nothing works ill kick his ass...sooo does any have any experience with getting dents removed yourself or the cost of getting it done?? what does NS think...and i knnow ppl will say kick his ass!!
NSnotes: DBag friend jumps on the front part of my car and leaves a dent bout the size of a grapefruit...i notice like half an hour later after he said nothing happened...txt him and he denies and wont pay for the fixing of it...what should i do besides kick his ass haha