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the European land grab in Africa is the main reason as to why Africa is so fucked up. It completely changed everything that the native people were doing there.
The Europeans came in, made "countries"... or basicly made a bunch of imaginary boarders that trapped the native population. It either trapped them from the coast so they were now land locked, and doomed in many ways. Others who were herders couldn't go where they needed for their herd to graze, or follow the rains, follow the wild herds, all that shit. When the Europeans came into Africa and "colonized" they probably accomplished the exact opposite. They claimed their land, drew lines across the land, harvested what they wanted (sadly, that included the people), then - when it wasn't worth it for them to be there anymore, they just got up and left, leaving a "country" behind that is totally fucked.
Now-a-days, the 1st World is sending in "help" and we think we are doing good. "Saving" Africa, and all that bullshit.
You know what? We are right in the middle of yet another land grab by the 1st world, and it's not looking any better then before. This time, our main reasons for going into Africa is Bio-fuels. We are telling the countries in Africa that we will hire local workers, take most of the profits and put them back into the local community, blah blah blah! In reality, almost all of the bio-fuel farms popping up are built by foreign hands, the workers are foreign, and the profits go to... well the company. The African people who are loosing their land and their freedoms are just getting fucked over huge AGAIN, but the same people.
So if the 1st world really wants to save Africa, we don't need to go there and give them food and bibles, we need to change the laws in our own country and stop the corporations from going in and raping the people and land for a profit. Only when we stop the corruption will we have a chance at stopping poverty and starvation in most parts of Africa.
Now, that being said, there is a lot of work to be done, with the expansion of the Sahara going ever deeper south, a lot of people along the Sahel are loosing usable land, but they are stuck there because of the boarders that we created around them.
I know I have said a lot, and considering I have never been to Africa, there are probably some major points I am missing. All I know is that sending money to Africa is one of the worst things you can do. African people are people, that means they have the same brains and thought processes that we do, therefor they have the ability to bring themselves up to our plane. We just need to open the door for them and give them the technologies they need.
Sadly, the more I think about the global society we live in and, personally I don't think we can save Africa. I think this because we ourselves are fucked. Africa will be saved after the 1st world's economy and social structures fall apart. The way our system is set up right now, nobody can be saved.
You guys watch South Park right? So we all know that the cure for AIDs is money.