It is getting out of control again and becoming a random thread making forum for anything people happen to have in their home their want to sell. I don't like this and it is not the intended use of the forum. Why is this bad? It pushes sales that actually contain ski equipment off the front page quickly, therefore damaging the entire point of making this forum. Please keep your non-ski gear on Ebay, Craigslist and other places that people are actually in search of your miscellaneous items. Currently on the first page are sales for a macbook, inline skates, lacrosse equipment, an ipod, sunglasses, and probably more that I missed. I have no problem if you are selling a bunch of ski gear and throw some miscellaneous things on the end of your sale, but threads solely for items that should be on Ebay anyway need to cease. If you want to sell those things, please go make an Ebay account or post on Craigslist. It is actually easier, less of a hassle, and more efficient than posting here. Thank you.
Mods, can we agree on this? Can we start policing/removing these type of threads or am I in the wrong on this? Your time is appreciated.