Uhh Im not skiing for a couple of weeks and to pass the time, I thought I would write my top ten
Love / Hate.......
1 loosing your ipod/phone camera glove poles somewhere on the mountain
2 Trying to make the decision helmet and throw down or beanie and headphones and just chill with some beats? cos the one day you don't wear your helmet is the day you cant resit throwing down and take a massive stack
3 Injuries - hate em' i wont bore you with my list but time of skis sucks especially if your injury came from pre - releasing from your bindings, you feel robbed
4 loosing a ski in powder and spending an hour looking for it while everyone else tracks out the mountain and your mates never wait and help you, no you get - ill take a lap and check back
5 Trying to take a shit when wearing a tall tee, its strangely very difficult
6 Hangovers knowing you could have had an epic day but now your hungover and completely useless
7 Coming up 2 foot short on a massive booter and slamming down the landing or.... Overshooting, that feeling of impending death as you sail past the landing is always fun
8 Lift Lines - especially in France
9 Having to pay for lift tickets my friends a pro, never seems to work
10 Coming flying over a lip to find two punters in a wedge and on the subject of punters, the ones that stop on the knuckle of the booter for a family photograph
But LOVE!!!
1 Riding with your friends and having and epic straight swagger juice dripping time
2 Being shit scared of doing something then stepping up, doing it and riding away
3 Being a gangster, Baller, true OG, wearing a bandanna dressing all thug, strangly you don't seem
to get away with it off the mountain.
4 Those epic pow days shredding lines and skiing soo fast
5 Hitting massive booters and boosting super air
6 Stomping a scary urban
7 Watching edits then just being so completely stoked to go skiing that you just cant wait till the morning
8 Bombing cliffs and landing in soft pow pow
9 New skis
10 Having so much fun that you just don't want to stop, blagging the liftie to let you up on the last chair then finally getting kicked of the mountain by patrol hiking a rail cos the lifts have stopped.