I went on facebook and saw far to many " 4/20!!!!!!" status and things like that. i also hear about these kids eating brownies in school or kids leaving to go smoke and what not.
now im being realistic here, i dont have anything against weed or people that use it, i do on occasion, but i hate people that are idiots.
First of all, the advertising it thing is fucking annoying. everyone knows its 4/20, stop posting it everywhere. there is this kid who made it his status, and bought a 4/20 shirt that he is wearing to school. who the fuck cares? i feel like hes doing it to show everyone he smokes so he can be cool or something. if you smoke, then go smoke. stop publiclly announcing it. its also terrible when i see these weird freshman girls that have never touched an illegal drug in their lives like writing on people walls about it and how excited they are. its like people who drink and write as their facbeook status "sooo drunk" or take pictures and of them being complete idiots and be like "haha, i dont even remember this i was so bombed"
second, why would you risk getting in a shit load of trouble just to get high? hell, if you have the time after school, go smoke or something. but doing it in school is just fucking stupid and not worth it. celebrate it on saturday if you cant do it monday, better safe then sorry...
so to all you guys, dont be idiots about 4/20. i can't stop you from being high in school, but dont be an idiot and dont get cought. and dont be one of thoes gay kids.
have a happy and a safe 4/20