Looking for new bindings to mount on my 171 invaders (or possibly some new park skis when I get them). I'm a little over 6ft about 12 stone and ski aggressively. I will use the skis almost exclusively in the park and probably mostly for rails.
At the moment I have Marker 1100 bindings on the invaders and they are probably the worst binding I can imagine. I have smashed the housing of the toe pieces and heel pieces (and replaced them), broken the brakes about a million times. Ive had prerelease issues on lower DIN settings and no release issues in backwards twisting falls.
I'm not impressed and my knees are begging me for new bindings.
I have narrowed the choices down to:
Rossi FKS 120
Rossi FKS 155 (most expensive)
Look PX Jib
Look PX 14
STH 14 (easiest to get and cheapest)
Any input would be greatly appreciated