So people were getting sick this week, one kid threw up yesterday in my math class and it was fucked up.
so today, i get into Chem class and like 9 kids are missing, all sick. supposedly, there were about 90 kids absent from school sick. they blocked off all the water fountains to prevent spreading germs. throughout the morning, kids were going to the nurse and it was getting crowded as fuck, people were throwing up everywhere.
so i get to my lunch period at the middle of the day, and there is nothing out for lunch. i ask the lunch lady why they arent selling anything and shes like "o, schools closing..."
ME AND MY FRIEND FLIP!!!! we scream through the lunch room.
turns out they had to cancel school it was sooo bad. everyones facebook status is "sick", like over 150 people are sick. we're on the news and everything.
the thing is, im nervous as fuck, i just got better from having strep and i dont wanna start puking my brains out. i just thought this was a sick (no pun intended) story.