so i have a couple pairs of flexons lying around, pretty much just seeing if anyone is interested in them. the yellow and black ones are still in pretty good shape, perfect working condiisshhh. black and orange ones just need the a couple of the buckles replaced.
so the BSL on the black and yellluuhs is 277mm, wich is around a 23.5 or a 24 i think. pretty scuffed up but still in fine working condition. liners are a wee beat but still fine. will let these go pretty cheap so offer up, trades too!
and then theres these........ BSL 318mm, several of the tracks for the bucles are shot. liners are messed up. if anyone needs parts for anything hit me up, probably just part these things out for free, you pay shipping.
shoot me a PM if you interested or have any questitons. PEACE.