how else did i fail besides like being torn apart on here?
yeah your right there is a difference but the people that i know aren't open minded and they are questioning the government either. they are straight complaining.
mango--sorry dude..didn't mean to attack but i did have to watch zeitgeist for a class. obviously being a strong faithed christian, a conservative republican, and a patriot...i hated what i saw. seeing the part about the new world order and all that crap just infuriated me. i admit i am close minded but thats only because (even though i hate obama) i believe our homeland security has our best interest.
spasm--i think its pretty crazy that since obama took office you don't hear "9 people killed today in Iraq" and crap like that. people are still dying but its our stupid liberal media who twists everything.
oh and whoever said something about fox news. hahah i'll admit i'm glued to that channel.