I feel really bad that he and his two friends died in a car crash. Its a tragedy to lose anyone.
But apparently the guy, "Andrew Thomas Gallo, a 22-year-old from San Gabriel, was charged with three counts of murder by the Orange County district attorney on Friday. He ran a red light in his minivan and hit the car carrying Adenhart and his friends, police said."
Does anyone else have a problem with this? Murder for running a red light? Sure it was dumb as fuck to run a red light, and it sucks that he hit a car and three people died, but murder? Like, are they seriously gunna put that in the same category as actually, purposely killing someone. I don't know much but the case but it just seems fucked up that a celebrity dies and a person who made a slight bad judgement call gets three counts of murder.
Also I heard he might have been drunk which changes shit obviously, but still, even so, murder?! Drunk driving is terrible but not comparable to shooting or stabbing someone purposefully.
Anyway best of luck to the friends/family of Adenhart and his friends, RIP (idk his friends were even named in the article which is a little fucked up in its on sense)