So, i got a pair of rossignol scratch fs 06-07 december 2007. but, they broke on the sixt day riding them. so i take them to the shop, and they says i can pick any ski in the shop. Ended up with the 4FRNT TNK 07-08, and they were at that time the best ski i've ever skied. Late january this year, the edges started to pop out of the skis.
So, i went shopping again. This time, i ended up with the Salomon Suspects, which is way more durable than most people on NS say. Okey its chipping, but who cares? They still deliver their shit, right?
Today i went shopping agian, so i have an extra pair just in case or if my Suspects does not break im using them next year anyways. 4FRNT STL 08-09 btw.
sparknotes: i seem to break my skis often. do you, and how many times in some seasons?