farp isnt funny at all anymore like pipe_munky said. it is the shittiest vid i have ever wasted my life watching-3ski6guy0
it was funny like 6 months ago! give up already cuz it's fucking gay!-Pipe Munky
i think farp is shit...not the shit, but shit. but that my point of view, and i couldnt care less about what you say back to this, because hell, its just a message board, so eat me.-LineSkier1080x
^^more like Fucking-Anal-Raping-Pussies!
that trailer is the worst shit i've ever seen! i think just watching that trailer made a worse skier! i hope the idiots that made it die in a car crash! the video fucking blows! -Pipe_Munky
Sweet Jesus , FARP sucks. Stuff like that would make me want to quit, On second thought it wouldn't, but they try to make it funny and it's not, it's just pathetic.-DynastarriderGP
FARP sucks !!! I think watching that video made me a worse skiier - anyone that gives any credit to these fools for making a joke out of themselves should be shot.-Schlonginator
reggae your probably right but does everyone that sucks horribly make a video and call it a ski film, then post it on a skiing website? no farp is hilarious but these kids need their asses kicked-action_shot
i think when someone does a super lame or gay trick we should refer to it as being farped. for example. 'wow dude, you farped the hell out of that jump' or after a bad day of skiing ' man, i farped it up today'...ok, itl never catch on, but fuck off, im bored.-1080switchrider
FARP is gay, they all suck dick and their mouths taste like cock, becase they play the skin flute and they gel there hair and they are JUST GAY!-wwboyz
The crew of two is gayer than a bag full of dicks.
Farp= Fags and real posers.-OGSlopewatcherAssassin
the farp trailer was the biggest waste of my download time ever-3ski6guy0
yeah..this was some of the worst skiing i have ever seen...i dont even understand how people on this sight even found out about those fags
FUCK FARP-dspinseven
well i suck at skiing and i haven't been on this site in about 4 months, but i checked it out today and there was lots of crap about FARP:The Movie. Well i am here to say it sucks, don't know if this has been done before but anyways....
FARP sucks and blows at the same time, i don't know if that is physically possible, but some how they have managed it, they should get a noble prize or sumthing for defying the laws of physics-Valdez_Wanna_Be
farp fuckin blows- BristolRider
that movie sucks balls- 3ski6guy0
okay, i just gotta say...please stop making the FARP video things. Its cool if you wanna make them and all, but dont make a website about it etc. Or at least get better first. You are hurting the industry. When snowboarders see skiers like Fred and Randall doing stupid flailing 360 attempts 8 inches off the ground, they laugh there heads off, and skiing takes another blow. So please, if you wanna make your movies, thats cool. But just stop trying to get noticed. Thats all. Peace. P.S. Your spinning the wrong way.-sunvalleyskibum
FARP sucks ass... everyone knows it its not funny, they just suck cock, i could make a better m,ovie in about 10 mins, they cant do shit... my mom who has never hit a jump in my life is better than those kids...-Dishwalla
well i'm not a newbie and i think Farp sucks ass-Schlonginator
Fred and Randal suck ass too-Dishwalla
frap is shit if u wanna see a really progressive company check out ulta-matum-Aussiepimp
how are fred and randall saving skiing??????????? there killing it i think... i think they shouldnt even film untill they get better whats the point there waisting there time...-Auntsaltine
whoa that was a piece of shit... it was entertaining at first just to see how much you guys suck.... and well een tho you prolly put some work into that video at least get some footy of you hurting yourself or something... quit skiing tho you suck balls-Dishwalla
no offense but that fucking sucked.. i know everyone has to start somewhere but please dont make such a big deal about ur film when u cant even do a three grab - Dynarider
y the fuck would i be jealous they fucking suck-Dynarider
i could make a better movie with my eyes closed.. matter of fact i'll download clips of my crew from mt snow and i'll post that shat after i'm done.-BryanGallant
umm I think you everyone here an apology for making us watch that. I can't even believe you are that bad.-ZachYohman
sweet jesus, you sad sad little man. i'm sorry. oh and please remove this video from existence as it embarassesm eto know that your mountain owns my mountain... which means more people go to that shit hole than wonderous crystal mountain, wa. and now... i need to go back to school soon because i don't know how to spell simple words anymore.-CrystalNeedsAPark
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