So I propose the adoption of the Moderation system. :
NS forums get a lot of comments. A single thread might have a thousand replies- and lets be realistic: Not all of the comments are that great. In fact, some are down right terrible-- but others are truly gems.
The moderation system is designed to sort the gems and the crap from the steady stream of information that flows through the pipe. And wherever possible, it tries to make the readers of the site take on the responsibility.
The goal is that each reader will be able to read NS at a level that they find appropriate. Some will only want to read the highest rated of comments, some will want to eliminate newb posts, and others will want to read every last drip of data. The system they've created here will make that happen. Or at least, it sure will try...
Anyone Can Moderate:Any regular NS'r should be eligible to become a moderator. A variety of factors should weigh into it, but if you are logged in when you browse the forums, you should occasionally be granted moderator access.
When a moderator is given access, they should be given a number of points of influence to play with. Each comment they moderate deducts a point. When they run out of points, they are done serving until next time it is their turn.
Moderation should take place by selecting an adjective from a drop down list that appears next to comments. Descriptive words like 'Flamebait' or 'Informative'. Bad words will reduce the comments score by a single point, good words increase a comments score by a single point. All comments are scored on an absolute scale from -1 to 5. Logged in users start at 1 (although this can vary from 0 to 2 based on their overall contribution to discussions) and anonymous users start at 0.
Moderators should not be able to participate in the same discussion as both a moderator and a poster. This is to prevent abuses, and while it is one of the more controversial aspects of the system, I'm sticking to it. There are enough lurkers that moderate, that if you want to post, feel free.
Moderation points should expire after 3 days if they are left unused. You then go back into the pool and might someday be given access again.
I think it's a good system and will help promote and display good threads and comments.
Think it could work?