I'm about to graduate college (finally) and am finishing up my senior thesis on the ski industry and freestyle skiing. My research on the slopes was cut short due to an injury but I still want to get some opinions and chat with some people before I finish my paper. So if you'd be down to answer a few questions or chat with me I'd be highly appreciative. And if you live in the PNW it is rumored that I have been know to buy generous amounts of beer for those who help me out.
Answer the following if you are down:
Your name, age, location.
How you got into skiing.
Why you ski and what it means to you.
How often you ski.
How much money you spend on skiing.
What your goals for skiing are.
What brands you like.
And what you think about ski media.
Also, I am really looking to get into contact with some fellow girl shredders as well. So if you're a chick and wanna help a gal out hit me up.