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hummm bullet tight pants and ''kinda ungangsta style''
tim had insane urban tricks / niklas had none
hummmmmmmmm DUDE! t-wall in his seg has 4 jumps loll left side 9 right side 9 cork 7 in pow and a flat 9
keep in mind this is a chance to participate in a PARK SHOOT, not urban shoot, at least for this year.
Berman's big concern--even with wallisch-- was not being able to hit enormously huge jumps. He said in a Freeskier interview that even though Tom could do 900s on boxes and switch 7s on 45 footers, he didnt show footy of massive booters. Fortunately, since Tom had like 100 million views on his vid, it helped him win, and Berman was thankful.
Berman--IMO--wants to give unknown kids a chance to slay BIG jumps, and Niklas showed his talent of hitting big jumps, which stood out. I think Tim McChesnuts is going to blow up anyway like Nick Martini because he is already involved in a ton of filming. And if he does NOT blow up soon, I will personally call up a bigname company and tell them to sponsor this slayer.
kids dope as hell
people need to quit hating and just respect the kid for his style and ease
congrats bro
that was not REFRESHING at all
He was wearing a G SUIT LOLOLOL - most played out jacket since the orage blue/white TJ pro jacket
He has the exact same style as EVERY OTHER SKIER on NS. He does the same trick as every other kid on NS. Maybe he was a little better in the air than most other entries, but seriously that was the least innovative edit there. He pretty much just looked like a Henrik wannabe. I'm sure Henrik has every single one of those tricks he threw in the bag, and can do them waaaayyy better. Seriously I'd rather buy a movie with double the Henrik time, rather then with this kid in it.
Honestly when T wall and Brogan won, they brought something new to the table. This kid brought nothing innovative at all to the table. Both T walls and brogans superunknown edits are way better than this wannabe.
He's a great skier skill wise though. No doubt about it. Good job, your a good skier.
No T-Wall spun a rightside cork 9 on the keystone jump.