i just wanna say RIP to shane mcConkey! i just got on and havent been following shit at all and saw the backround and thought oh my god no! dude was a fucking hero and legend!
im sure theirs enough threads on the subject so i will just add that to this....
but anyway i've come to the conclusion that i want two forearm pieces.. a city and colour one and an as i lay dying or maybe scary kids scaring kids.... and maybe the Thursday dove...
anyway i dont give a fuck im doing it no matter what the opinion is but i want to hear yours.... do you think music inspired tats are cliche? i mean even as far as the cover art?
if it werent for these bands i wouldnt be alive OR clean today so even if my taste changes i feel i will always remember what a positive impact they had on my life.... and btw damn that shit is maaaad expensive