The Federalist Papers described a government that was strong, but only strong enough to perform its duties efficiently and adequately. Today, the Federal government is pushing the limits of its conception. As a specific example, President Obama has recently ousted the CEO of General Motors so that he may then put in place a plan to resurrect the failing corporation. This is a step too far in a supposed fair trade economy. The government is supposed to provide for the wellbeing of the people, and although trying to revive an economic powerhouse, taking charge of a non-government corporation is a step outside the Federal government’s bounds according to what this country was founded on.
The United States’ auto industry is a large part of the nation’s economy, if it fails, restructuring and rebuilding the economy would be a difficult task. This is why President Obama has taken action to “save” GM. Though this is supposedly with the best interest of the people in mind, and with a bill Obama recently pushed and passed it is legal, it may hurt stockholders and it is almost socialism. The drafters of the constitution wanted the people to have the power. They envisioned a strong central government that served the people, not a strong government that the people serve.
As the Federal Government has seized GM and laid out a new business plan for them, the Federal Government is stepping too far into the boxing ring that is big industry. The power in a company lies with its stockholders/investors, much like a perfect republican democracy where the power lies with the people/taxpayers. Our people are all for their government becoming strong and being able to provide for them anything they might need. However, to quote Gerald Ford would be appropriate; "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”
The majority of the people might view what Obama and the Federal Government are doing is patriotic and for the good of the country, but this is just another example of a step towards socialism and a step away from democracy. The Founding Fathers and the Drafters of the Constitution did not envision a central government with this type of power. It is a threat to the stability and safety of the Peoples’ nation whereas it is another building block for the Federal Government’s nation and their ever-expanding circles of power.