please help this kid i know out! this is a beyond greatness shot and if he won it would be so awesome. you can vote once a day until april 16th and you can bet i will be bumping this thread everyday until then.
this is his details he gives on it:
I made the top 4 of this basketball trick shot contest on youtube. And on April 6th (next monday) they will have a vote to see whose shot is the best. If I am voted as the best shot I will win -->
Grand Prize includes: Ticket & Hotel Premiere Experience Card Package good for 2 semi-finals tickets, 2 finals tickets and four nights hotel accommodations in Indianapolis in April 2010 and the 52" TV!
Just for making the top 4 and being a finalist I will win a:
RCA 46" Full 1080p HD LCD Television
So PLEASE VOTE at the following wesbsite starting this monday april 6th at 12pm. you can vote once a day EVERYDAY.this is the link to the site where voting will take place.