To start off-------- Xl Tall Ronin Love Jacket. Small rip on wrist from rope tow. Otherwise Perfect condition. This jacket is tall! super huge. Hands down most amazing jacket ever. 160 obo
Mint Condition Oakley Crowbars With New Grey Polorized Lense. Hands down darkest lense I've ever had
and its polorized! Will part out for good price. 145 obo
Oakley A-frames? Good condition- 30 obo
Brand new smith phenoms- 50obo
Brand New Oakley Permission Crowbar lense- 30 obo
Mint Condition Nomis Xl hoodie- 45 obo
And Last a PS2 with pacman world 2! Needs ac adaptor... 50 obo
There ya go! Help me get back to Minnesota!
Later guys