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Backyard bungee launch system?
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
Posts: 1597
Karma: 103
How the hell does it work? wouldnt it give whiplash?
Posts: 760
Karma: 18
seems pretty cool but expensive
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
does anyone have any idea how this thing works? 30 mph seems a little unrealistic
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
yea it is real expensive so i doubt id buy it but has anyone used this thing?
Posts: 6044
Karma: 60
dope idea, you could make one for way less, just go to your local boating store, get a jetskitow handle, then go to a rock climbing shot grab some bungee, or like material, im thinkn surgical tube from hardware store might work
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
so i guess u just get something stretchy . attach it to something sturdy. grab handle and walk away from the feature. let go and u have enough speed? im thinkin how much effort does it take to stretch it back enough to get enough speed?
Posts: 1627
Karma: 12
Ok so i've used this thing for skim boarding before. It was really hard to pull out. we used an anchor in the water, so i'm guessing that you would just tie it around a tree.
Posts: 2257
Karma: 721
looks kinda cool. kind of a shitty price but thats what you expect when you buy from btp
Posts: 2043
Karma: 147
i remember using elastic water ski ropes when water skiing and those things were fucking deadly. if you fall and let go they will shoot over the boat. i don't know if you can still buy em but they were realy cheap whne i got mine.
Posts: 9
Karma: 11
I've used one of these and they actually work really well. Depending on how much speed you want you'll need a couple people to pull it back but if you dont want to build a new drop in then its worth it to buy one of these cause you'll use it all winter for jibs too
Posts: 2286
Karma: 52
I used one to hit a handrail this winter and it works really well and you can get as much speed as you want as long as you have enough people to stretch it for you
Posts: 1015
Karma: 820
post some videos so we can see how hard it really is lol
Posts: 2524
Karma: 180
its a good idea i just dont think you can get enough from it for a rail
maybe something on the ground
Posts: 395
Karma: 24
Posts: 1043
Karma: 938
You could always try to get those bungees ppl workout with you can pretty much get them at any sports store
Posts: 5047
Karma: 968
seems like it's more trouble than it's worth to stretch it out and stuff
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
idk i suck at woodworking all my shit is fallin apart so i laready have to rebuild my rails so this would be super convenient
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
Posts: 1757
Karma: 39
if u have something to attach it to id buy it./ drop in ramps are exspensive and hard to build. and if it breaks ur screwed. this is cheaper and easier and u can move it around.
Posts: 4896
Karma: 1,209
my friend has used one so i will talk to him and post on here again. but it seems like you would need more space to do this than a ramp. plus if you want to do it in the summer, what would you ski on? turf? or what?
Posts: 2675
Karma: 49
Posts: 822
Karma: 1,157
i think it could work just becuase of how you can side steep in skies so u could put your body weight into it so u could pull it back then just slide strait for the rail
Posts: 1996
Karma: 1,357
im thinking..this plus my dropin will equal mad speed!
Posts: 3350
Karma: 469
i called and this is vulcanized rubber. i bet you can make this for cheaper than they are selling it
Posts: 663
Karma: 12
you could probably use either surgical tubing or an excercise band as was mentioned earlier. I don't have many skiing friends that live too close to my house so would I need to build a crank or something to build tension in the band?
also, if i were doing this downhill it would be much easier to get the speed required without a second hand pulling it right?
Posts: 3350
Karma: 469
surgical tubing might not work too good. after about using it for a couple weeks it will become uhmmmm how can i say it......not good.
Posts: 3350
Karma: 469
surgical tubing might not work too good. after about using it for a couple weeks it will become uhmmmm how can i say it......not good.
Posts: 3516
Karma: 86
Has anyone made one yet? If so, what did yoou use and how much did it cost?
Posts: 4382
Karma: 26,428
holy shit! that video was sick, the last like 2 seasons my friends and i have wished we had a drop in, this would be so convenient!
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