Jibulant Productions Presents...
4 Months of Paradise
For everyone that does not know....
Jibulant Productions is a crew from mostly Perfect North Slopes. This will now be our third full length film in which we bring you our fun filled season right from the heart of the Midwest. Each and every year we try to make things bigger and better, and this year is no different.
For anyone that got to see our last movie "Anticipation",this years movie is already looking sooooooo much better. We all are pumped for you guys to see the finished product and hope you guys enjoy it as much as we enjoy making it for you.
This year, Jibulant's 4 Months of Paradise feature the ripping abilities of...
Ian Block
Jacob Schwab
Kamran Kopp
Nick Goepper
Kyle Taylor
Nick Busken
Chris Laker
Dave DiMuzio
Brad Kohlmeier
Kate Busse
Also appearing...
Jake Cain
Ross Leugers
Dylan May
Chris Billups
Reid Sheltion
Andy Hall
Steve-o Hall
Alex Lansaw
Casey Scharff
Bryce Mercer
Nick Bourquein
Matt Fancher
Make sure you come check it out next year!!!
Full details on premiere date(s) should be released this summer.
Teaser also coming soon