1. that picture is from when I was 16 years old........... making it almost 6 years old......
2. "this brokeback mountain sausage fest" was the day after I had clearned up and made it out of the Utah wildeneress. one of the most fucked up, contrevesal programs in the United States. The death/suiccide rate over the years with it is disturbing. After 75 days and 500 miles of hiking, and a 15 mile escape attempt.... i wont get into it, cause if you were on NS back then, you would know about me as a youngin, and I have a book being written, including a portion of this material that will be published.. but all I can say is it is beyond your comprehension and your comment made me laugh. WIthout knowing you, I can garunentee you will never, and have never done anything as mentally and physically hard as what i went through there in your entire life.
you're probably like 16 yourself though so this is a good reminder of why not to post on NSG. I thought this thread was in German Regionals for some reason - should be......
Back to Panarama - for any of you who are actually German or have visited it, I've heard that the door policy is FUCKED? As in around 30 to 40% of people being turned away, often for no reason. I've heard if you speak a word of english your out, by yourself , with someone else, don't like the shirt color your have on.... I think I'm gona pass cause I'm not waiting in line for hours just to get kicked out cause I have an American passport.
I'm not gona get the music I wana hear that I'm used to from back in the US.... but club Matrix looks pretty sick? anyone been there? gona try and bang out a final due back home, so I can go out tonight and do things up right