"Don't fix it if it ain't broke (don't buy something completely different if you like what you've got)". i like how previous pairs ~169 ski, with a tight turning radius and fun for presses and fun for butters and stuff, so i bought 171s. truth be told, i wanted something bigger than that, but I didn't want to buy something that would be a completely different animal, you know? i wanted a go kart, not a school bus.
everyone on here wants everyone else to get long skis. it's true you'll do fine. but imo, i think there's a point where you gotta say hold up a sec... they sell three sizes, and i'm NOT a large guy...hmm... maybe i could get away with 178s, or maybe 171s would be more fun! esp. as you're probably not hucking 70+ ft. booters regularly and you're not a big guy.
/rant lol.