Replying to Fainted last night
i was at my freinds house riding a rip stick and i fell read hard on his driveway (mad downhill) and my shoulder and elbow hurt like hell. (note-we were smoking before this do that probably had somthing to do with it) so i went inside and started to wash my finger off(scraped it hard) and i just felt really dizzy and out and i felt like i had to sit down real fast then my vision got real blurry and like fell/layed down and my freinds came over to see what was goign on. i "re-grained conciousness" for lack of better words and sat down at but couldnt see shit. my freinds told me to drink the water they got but i couldnt even see it. my vidion quickly came back then i was completely fine after that. we ended up playing a long ass game of poker. It was just really weird. ive never blacked out/fainted before
short story- ate shit real hard riding a rip stik, and went inside and besically fainted on the floor. fine now
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